How Much Money Can You Make with a Home Daycare?

On average in-home daycares charge $200/week per child. So, the amount you make can be calculated by multiplying by the number of children you are caring for. Which is regulated by the state’s childcare licensing agencies; on average it’s 6 children netting around $32,000 a year. Because of the variation by the state, this is going to be a general rundown of what most states require of home daycares.

General Home Daycare Requirements

Outdoor activity is an actual part of life. That’s exactly why safe outdoor play areas must be provided by the daycare, whether it needs to be enclosed, or so far from the street are state dependent. So, do your research beforehand.

Background checks are conducted on every member of the household over 18. The proper insurance is needed and most likely not included in your regular house plan, first aid training and certification need to be up to date and on hand, as well as any other state required training such as child development, CPR, child abuse prevention, child nutrition, and even child activities.

Ok, so?

All of those requirements matter because they cost money. Money that is taken out from that equation earlier. Which happens because certifications expire; for example, CPR certifications need to be renewed every 2 years to stay valid.

Don’t forget that children at a home daycare are going to be eating home daycare food. They also use bathrooms, lights, and need to stay warm when its cold outside. All of which is a routine cost that need to be factored into the end amount.

With the average 6 children allowed in your home daycare and no other helpers, you can expect to make a profit of around $30,000 a year. Considerably more, however, if you are located near a university or in a big city.  The best way to find the expected profit is to research and calculate your projected expenses for your state. Only then will you have a sure answer.


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