10 Most Affordable States for Daycare
In Mississippi, it costs families $453 per month on average to put children in child care centers. For toddlers up to the age of four, it costs $400 per month.
In Alabama, it costs a family $500 to have an infant in quality child care. It costs $432 to place a child of four years old.
South Dakota
South Dakota has the lowest average cost for child care. Families only pay $543 per month on average for a baby. A child of four years old costs them $500 per month.
An infant will cost a family $574, and a child of four years old will cost $457.
South Carolina
An infant costs a family $584, and a child of four years old costs $500.
It costs a family $595 per month to put an infant in child care, and they pay $535 for a child of four years old.
To place an infant in child care, a family must pay $623, and to place a child of four years old, it requires $538.
The cost for an infant in child care is $644, and for a child of four years old, it is $576.
In Maine, parents pay $691 to put a baby in child care, and they pay $787 for a child of four years old.
For an infant, parents will pay $711, but a child of four years old will require $609 per month.